How much are granite materials
Granite and marble – most people have these finishing materials associated with the platforms of metro stations, theater stairs.
Depending on the color and origin, natural marble has many varieties. The variation of textures & shades affect the impurities included in the breed. Stone is quickly processed, so many centuries have been made of sculptures, monuments, interior decoration.
Among the advantages of marble – durability, naturalness, exquisite appearance. But the material care is needed appropriately. Soft stone rocks need to be protected by hydrophobic composition so that the spilled fluids leave no traces. The main minus, of course, is the price. The square meter of marble costs about $ 100 – $ 200 in the equivalent, but there are unique breeds, the cost of the meter is exceeding $ 500.
The kitchen marble benchtop price can cost from $ 800 to $ 1,500, but this is not the limit. Depending on the area, varieties of the breed, the cost of the product can reach $ 3,000 and more.
stone benchtop price estimator
Benchtop for the kitchen from quartz stone is an all-individual solution. It is sharpening, the cost of the material & the cost of work in each will be distinguished. The cost of manufacturing a stone countertop depends on its size and configuration, thickness, stone texture, type edge, presence of cutouts for a cooking surface, washing, type of carbon mounting, installation of a plinth. In the example, we will show the same benchtop with different conditions, how much costs can vary, why it is impossible to voice the “average price of the worktop production”.
What is the most durable kitchen countertop?

Natural stone – is one of the most common and old materials for kitchen benchtop design. Depending on the structure, it has different properties. Rock with a porous structure – for example, marble, limestone, travertine – requires more accurate circulation. Less porous, more dense granite is more practical in use. But the color palette is meager than marble benchtops.
Onyx has interesting design characteristics – it misses the light. Such a countertop can be spectacularly high.
Pros of granite benchtops: durable and pretty simple in care. Resistant to moisture, mechanical effects, high temperatures. In the kitchen, it always looks appropriate & attractive.
Cons: Such a countertop is expensive; she is heavy. Due to the complexity of installation, a specialist will be required. In addition, at first dating, one should not forget about its uniqueness.
How to clean quantum quartz countertops?
Quartz cleaning can be deep and daily. Everyday cleaning allows you to maintain a beautiful view for not one decade.
If you clean the benchtop every day, the surface will not change color even after ten years. For daily wiping, warm water, a cleaning agent based on Pauls’s is suitable. It is worth refraining from the use of rigid brushes or metal scrapers, as this can violate the integrity of the coating. It is best to use soft sponges means, which are missing:
- Chlorine.
- Abrasive components.
- Alkali.

The above components may entail damage to the quartz agglomerate, so it is worth refraining from using drugs that are not intended for artificial stone. If the painting liquids shed to the surface either lay intensely pigmented products, it is better to spend the benchtop with unique compositions. Fat stains that occur during food cooking can be removed with a sponge with dishwashing agents. If the stain was not timely removed, then the cleaning of the surface can be significantly complicated. You can use whitening preparations on white characters, but if the tabletop’s color is different, you should not use bleaching
How to cut & polish granite
Polishing benchtops made of artificial stone with a call to a specialist at home is not a cheap procedure. Kitchen surfaces are quite often subject to scratches, which spoil the appearance of the entire room, the mood of the hostess. The acrylic countertop is good because it is almost impossible to break it, but there are different cases. And therefore, if you have a master with golden hands in your family, it is quite possible to restore the surface’s original appearance.
Before starting work, first prepare the tool you will need and approximately calculate the set of consumables.
The main operation is grinding. Choose a grinding tool – an electric cutting machine. In most cases, we put the cutting circles and cut the metal tool. But here, we will use it for its initial purpose. The grinding machine will be necessary when grinding large areas, for example – complete grinding of the entire countertop.
Drills are also sold to grinding devices, both individually and in entire sets of various configurations. But the drill is more difficult to withstand the plane of grinding when working with large areas. However, in small spaces, point polishing the drill can be worked out quite well.
Our works
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”1,2,3,4,5″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″ images_per_page=”15″ ajax_pagination=”0″ order_by=”rand()” order_direction=”DESC”]What is worth paying attention to when choosing quartz benchtops
If you decide to take advantage of the advantages of a quartz agglomerate and buy a worktop, then here are some valuable recommendations that will be useful to you:
Choose a stone manufacturer.
There is a lot of cheap brands-analogs increasing. Remember that quality is not expensive; it is priceless. Do you want quartz benchtops to serve you for decades and have a luxurious look? We recommend choosing a stone from a proven manufacturer.
Choose color and texture.
The color and texture of countertops from quartz are a question of personal preferences. Collections of stones are replenished constantly, so you choose from what. There are two aspects: practical and material. For example, you like a dark color top. And before you thirty options for shades and textures. How to choose? Try a stone! For instance, are traced from fingers, divorce from water drops? Remove those options that you have to find several times a day. After all, this countertop should work on you, and not vice versa.
Further question price.
Stone with a shallow grainy structure is almost twice cheaper than a stone with marble divorces. And the stone divorces at the Czech brand Technistone will be more affordable than, for example, from American Cambria. Choose, compare and try to get the perfect quartz countertop.
Save with the mind.
The severe only lack of products from a quartz agglomerate is a relatively high price. The cost depends on the size of the countertops, configuration, brand and colors of the selected stone, the profile of the edge, etc. What can be saved not to the detriment of quality?
Our experience and attentive attitude to customers’ wishes are a guarantee that your benchtop from granite, marble, or quartz will be perfect!